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7-Day Yoga & Pilates Workout Plan

Last updated on May 5th, 2020 at 02:51 pm

Every week for the next month I’ll be sharing an at home workout plan. This week we’re gonna ease into exercise with this 7-Day Yoga and Pilates workout plan that needs no equipment to calm your mind and strengthen your body. Hopefully, within a week you’ll feel stronger, more relaxed, more confident and happier overall.

Sedentary Life For Everyone

So during the last week, I’ve counted my steps using an app on my phone, which by now feels like a vital organ and a best friend to me, and it’s not looking pretty. I think my record was 3000 steps, which as we all know is considered sedentary. Well, who am I to argue. Sedentary means that you sit a lot, right? Most days I sit on a chair, couch, floor or the bed and don’t do much else.

But it’s time for a change and I don’t know about you, but this is what I need right now – a simple workout plan to help me create a routine. Help me make exercising for around 20-30 minutes every day a habit again.

The other thing…Posture. Ugh. I, again, don’t know about you, but I feel like that hunchback is growing on me like in an animated movie. Just Wwwooooop. There it is, it tripled in size. Again. So this plan is also to combat that. Strengthen the core and the neck and walk upright already.

The Challenge

The challenge for this yoga and Pilates workout plan is simple: Move your body every day for 20-30 minutes. We’ll be using yoga and Pilates videos from Youtube to get started.

The Goal Of The 7-Day Workout Plan

  • strengthen your body and your mind
  • improve posture
  • have more energy
  • be more positive and present
  • develop the discipline for not just doing the exercise, but taking those 30 minutes every day for yourself, for your health. The discipline to make yourself a priority.
  • reduce small and big aches throughout the body that come from tension and inactivity (for me it’s neck and back!)
  • maintain a healthy weight through movement and stress management

Beginner Friendly & No Equipment

Most of the workouts on this plan are great for beginners and they’re low impact (no jumping involved).

The only equipment you need is a mat, but honestly…when I’m at home and I have a carpet – I rarely roll out the mat. So if you don’t have a mat – not a deal-breaker.

7-Day Pilates And Yoga Workout Plan

I hope you enjoy the workout videos and that you’ll feel stronger and calmer when you finish the workout plan in a week. Also, thank you to all the trainers who shared these amazing workouts with us, so we can become stronger and more relaxed, even when we’re not leaving the house and exercising from home.

Don’t forget to listen to your body and to drink enough water.

Day 1: 30-Minute Mat Pilates Workout

via Trifecta Pilates

Day 2: Pilates For Leaner, Longer, Stronger Body

via Dreamingreen

Day 3: 30-minute Full Body Yoga for Flexibility & Strength

via SarahBethYoga

Day 4: 30-Minute Full-Body Pilates Workout

via Well+Good

Day 5: Intermediate Full-Body Pilates Workout

via Dansique Fitness

Day 6: Full Body Yoga Stretches – 30 Minute Sweet & Relaxing Workout


Day 7: High Calorie Burning HIIT

Note: Don’t be fooled by the title: this HIIT workout by Dansique Fitness isn’t sprinting and doing a ton of burpees – it’s a great Pilates and HIIT combination. I was covered in sweat after…but I also felt amazing, so don’t be scared and do as much of it as you can.

I hope you try and enjoy this simple at home Yoga and Pilates workout plan! Next week’s plan will be up on Wednesday featuring Pilates and Barre workouts, Barre has to be my favorite type of exercise. Remember to have fun – these workout classes are a treat, not a punishment!

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Lindemberg Luiz

Nome: Lindemberg Luiz Título: Fundador e Editor-Chefe do Living Gastronomy Formação: Estudante de Gastronomia e Sommelier Eu sou Lindemberg Luiz, fundador e editor-chefe do Living Gastronomy. Minha paixão pela gastronomia começou cedo, e foi isso que me levou a seguir uma carreira na área. Atualmente, estou estudando Gastronomia e também me especializando em harmonização de vinhos, onde busco entender a arte de combinar sabores para criar experiências gastronômicas completas. Contato:
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